What will you find here?

I'm still figuring out what to put in my various landing pages, but for now, you can expect me to talk about the fantasy books I've been reading. It's my preferred genre and probably makes up about 90% of the books I read. I've always been a big fantasy nerd since I was a young lad and that's only gotten stronger over time. I also might talk about the DnD sessions my friends and I have. We have been playing Descent into Avernus for nearly a year and it's been our longest running session yet.

Check out my bookshelf!

Fantasy TV in 2022

What am I reading lately?

The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold - finished on 7/7/22! I've really enjoyed it. The way the divinity works in this universe is very interesting and I plan to do a longer write-up once I finish it and the sequel. Check this one out if you like: court intrigue, an older protagonist (mid 30s), or divinity taking an active role in the story.

“Events may be horrible or inescapable. Men have always a choice - if not whether, then how, they may endure.”

I started the 2nd book in the series, Paladin of Souls I think it's called? Not far in yet.

The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson - started 7/20/22, finished mid-late August? It was great, immediately bought the next 2 books.

I also read A Man Called Ove. Not fantasy but it was great, I also enjoyed the movie.