The Horrors Persist - But So Do I
2024, what a year of disappointments. It's a negative opener, but it's the first that came to mind when I started typing. It feels authentic to leave it, albeit offers a negative vibe. It wasn't all bad. My wife got her master's degree. But, my country did select pretty much the worst people on earth to run the whole ass government, so that's a negative.
We got to start farming! We got 2 horses and 4 ducks. But it came with all sorts of petty disagreements along the way with certain people, and then my wife broke her arm the first time riding the new horse at the farm. Right on the day I started my 24 day Christmas break where I planned not to do much at all. Because I vastly needed mental health time from my stupid ass job. That supports the government. Which is now run by the worst people on earth.I feel bad for being so negative from a privleged position.