Pet Rankings

Come see my pets! Check back for for updated pet rankings.

  1. Booga - friendly, cute, chill, he's the best boi
  2. Artemis - stinky, but cute and very smart
  3. Jinx - our oldest pet, has turned very mellow and friendly in her old age
  4. Kronos - my son is currently very destructive due to being on a diet. Current hobbies involve pulling all reachable things off shelves
  5. Athena - currently last place because she messed up some drywall while breaking through the doorbuddy preventing dog access to the cat food

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Formal name: Lord Kronos, Destroyer of Worlds, Harbinger of Mischief and Destruction

Informal names: Fatty bobatty, chonker, fluffer nutter

Likes: making biscuits and suckling blankets, pulling things off shelves, food, printers

Dislikes: strangers, closed doors, restricted meal times

Kronos is my furry son. Of our 5 animals, he's the 1 that I would claim as "my" cat. Artemis, Athena, and Booga are all definitely my wife's pets first. Jinx is nobody's pet, she just lives here.

We already had 3 animals before we got Kronos. It was around thanksgiving right before covid. I had told my wife if she had found a maine coon kitten at the local shelter, we'd get it. I thought they were rarer than they actually are apparently, so she quickly found one at the shelter, and here we are! He's a very affectionate kitty. Favorite activity is making biscuits on my lap with a blanket. Also enjoys sleeping on my lap. He's very shy of other people, and tends to be somewhat curious and destructive, he's still my son and I love him, even if that gamecube controller he pulled down 30 times is probably broken by now lol.


Formal name: The Fair Lady Fartemis Pigpen Pootin, Most Prestigious Bug-eater of the Grom Squad

Informal names: Arty Farty, Fartemis, Grom, Grommer, Grommert, Grommerton

Likes: running, fetch, my wife, chasing outdoor wildlife

Dislikes: being away from my wife, when it's too hot outside to run around

Artemis appeared out of the ground basically while my wife was driving one day. We lived near some farms back in Texas and she was just running through the field. My wife picked her up and we tried to find the owners on socials, but she had no chip either. Never saw any missing dog posters or anything. We already had 4 animals at this point, but my wife bonded very closely with her, so Artemis became pet #5, because I'm not too good at saying no to my wife lol.

She's a border collie, so she's very smart, and a sweet dog. Quite cuddly and lazy when inside, but she loves to run outside in our woods. She's a hustler so she has multiple jobs, including ball chasing, woofing at anything that moves near our fence, squirrel wrangling, bird hasslin', and bug eatin'.

Artemis also has a very adventurous palette. She eats more vegetables than my wife!


Formal name: Booga von Needle III, Esquire

Informal names: 24 Karat Kitty, Booger, Boogie, Booga Boo, Bongo

Likes: being pet, chilling to the max, fresh water, drinking from faucets

Dislikes: bladder problems

My wife adopted Booga when she moved out to Texas, before she met me. I still need to get some kitten pics up because he had the best glow-up. He legit looked like an alien kitty. Now, he might be a russian blue? But we don't have any papers and I don't know much about cat breeds, so idk.

He's the 24 karat kitty because he had very expensive bladder surgery cause he couldn't pee right. Worth it though, because he's the best cat ever. So friendly and loving, often a favorite by guests due to his friendly nature, handsome looks, and love of being pet. Booga's never met a stranger and is happy to be pet for hours by anyone. From friends to family to random maintenance people, he's not shy at all.


Formal name: Queen Jinx, Overseer of Cleanliness and Lady of Sleep

Informal names: Jinxer Doodle, Jinxy, Jinxy Cat, Jeenkies

Likes: Cleanliness, peace and quiet, curling up in baskets, dogs

Dislikes: dirty house

Jinx used to be kinda mean, but she's mellowed in her old age. She's our eldest pet and sleeps much of the day. She really loves to curl up in things and appreciates a clean house more than anyone. She will start peeing on blankets if the house is not up to her cleanliness standard. She's still a sweet kitty, though. Usually chills on her own but occasionally hangs out. Also, she really loves dogs more than our other cats, and loves to rub her scent glands all over both dogs' faces.


Formal name: Athena, Duchess of Stank

Informal names: Thena Butts, stinker, stonker

Likes: paw licking, walloring in stinky stuff, my mom, chasing squirrels

Dislikes: rain, wet ground, allergies

Athena came from the shelter when my wife and I were still dating. Fellas, if your girl ever asks you to take her to the animal shelter "just to look", it's a lie lol.

Athena wins title of stinkiest dog. However, my mom really bonded with Athena. Athena loves chasing squirrels and chasing Artemis in the yard.

Athena does not have an adventurous palette like Artemis, and generally refuses vegetables, but will occasionally enjoy some fruit.