Summer Aesthetic
Before going any further, unmute to set the vibe

Summer time just has a certain cozy feel. Even though I'm not a fan of the heat overall, there are certain activities and nature events that help set the tone of the season. Let me paint a picture for you, if I may. This turned into a bit of a creative writing exercise which I don't really do.

Your eyes drift open. The soft morning light is starting to creep in through the cracks between your curtains. You sit up, and stretch deeply. You turn off the fan that you have on at night during the summer months. You stroll over to the fridge to pour a glass of cold brew coffee over some ice before stepping outside to enjoy the morning. Your dog comes running from the living room to join you outside.

It rained last night, so the morning is cooler than usual, if not a little muggy. Your new life out in the country afforded you more acreage than before, so you have a nice patio that faces the woods, where you can pretend that nobody else is around. Indeed, the rural country mornings are peacefully quiet. You sit in the rocking chair and experience your first moment of gratitude. You can hear that distinctive, persistent chirping from the cicadas. You breathe deeply, and the fresh scent of morning dew on fresh cut grass hits you. After you finish your coffee, you decide to stroll around the yard. The flowers you planted seem as if they're soaring out of the ground, reaching for the skies. It's apparent that last night's rain was appreciated.

Looking to the other side of the yard, your dog (a black border collie, for reference) is closely watching a squirrel in the tree. She eventually gives up and goes running off in your woods. Having made your rounds around the yard, you return to the patio to continue your enjoyment of the cool morning. Your dog eventually trots back out of the woods, ready to go inside. You oblige, and walk to the fridge to grab some fresh blackberries you got from the farmer's market yesterday. You throw a few to your dog as well, who is exceedingly pleased to be included.

You get ready for the day. You and your friends are going river tubing.

Later, you return home, slightly (significantly) more sunburned than when you left. Your dog is happy to see you. You picked up a nice cannonball watermelon while you were out, from a nice guy selling fruit off the side of the road. You cut into the watermelon, pleased to see it's bright red interior. You take a bite, pleased that this one perfectly ripe, just the right amount of sweetness, and deliciously juicy. Your dog looks at you expectantly, so you happily share some with her.

Dusk comes, and there's a soft drizzle outside. Perfect porch sitting weather. You head outside again to stake your claim on the rocking chair. Your dog curls up at your feet, and is lightly snoring before long. Once again, the cicadas are out in force. You close your eyes and appreciate the moment. The wind softly rustles the leaves on the hundreds of nearby giant trees. The light rain still manages to produce a soft chorus of drops on the leaves. The soft, persistent buzz of the cicadas makes you feel transcendent. You breathe deeply, and feel...peace.